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To see what I’ve been up to, follow me on my blog…

Illustration Portfolio

Illustration Portfolio

A gallery of my watercolor illustrations…

Film Design Portfolio

Film Design Portfolio

Click here for my a selection of my work in the film and animation industry…

Atlantis on an Alligator

Atlantis on an Alligator

The Letter A in the Animopolis Alphabet…

Bangkok on a Beetle

Bangkok on a Beetle

The letter B…

Camelot on a Chameleon

Camelot on a Chameleon

The letter C in my Animopolis series…

Provincial Polynesia

Provincial Polynesia

Take a trip with me to your own special home, your own special island…

The Polar Express:title sequence

The Polar Express:title sequence

A proof-of-concept animatic for the film’s titles…

A Christmas Carol:title sequence

A Christmas Carol:title sequence

An early concept for the opening of the film…

Mars Needs Moms:environment animation

Mars Needs Moms:environment animation

An underground treehouse in the junkyards of Mars…

Beowulf:title sequence

Beowulf:title sequence

One of several lengthy animatics for the film’s opening…

Shangri La:title card

Shangri La:title card

This was matched by animators for the final sequence…